Monday, March 16, 2009

Professional Gamer?

Did you know there is a profession of gaming? Jonathan Wendel is a professional gamer who started his own company, "Fatal1ty". I did not know that there were professional gamers. It is amazing that there is so much "work" that these gamers do to excel in what they love to do.

Watch this video:

How often do you play video games? Do you think it would be a good profession? Provide something else about the gaming industry that is not mentioned in the video...

I'm sorry this post was not posted on Sunday as scheduled. (Students)- your posts will be due Saturday night at midnight. Hopefully, I will have the next new one posted on Sunday again.

Happy Blogging


  1. I think that it would be a good profession if you absolutely loved video games. There are downsides to the job too. If you don't do anything active you can become over weight and unhealthy. If your not good enough you can not make any money and loose your job. I would never want this as my job, but it would have to be there choice.

  2. Bryan M-
    In my, so called, "Spare Time" I'd say I play video games maybe 3-4 hours a week. It's only entertaining till the games have been beaten. Then it's time to get a new one. In my own opinion it could be a good profession, as long as you are good enough. It would really be a bummer if someone wanted to do that for a job then tried it and got to a pro tournament then ended up losing over and over again. By then the person wouldn’t know what else to do and it would most likely take a while for them to figure out they need to go to college and pick a new career.
    To my knowledge there was nothing left out about the gaming industry, but I’m not in “the loop” on the stuff. It’s a way to relieve stress, anger, anxiety, and boredom. I play games occasionally when I feel like I’m going to lose my mind, it’s a way to put things out of my mind so I won’t get irate at the wrong person. But then again reading Shakespeare listening to music and running does the same thing for me.

  3. Jordan H.- I play every day. From little kid games on the Wii, to Grand Theft Auto. The only games i don't really like are the MMO's, (such as WOW). I love First Person Shooters such as you saw on the video. This is any gamers dream to play games everyday as a profession. I would love to do this for the rest of my life. One thing about the gaming industry is the creation of the games. This takes so much skill with computers. The graphics, importing online play, interactions with the AI and many other things. I have always wanted to do this.

  4. Justin B- Me personally play video games all f the time, they pretty much are one of the greatest things to happen to man kind
    and, quit frankly, i play them all of the time, but i didnt have a clue that you could make money off of juss playing video games, although it might not be my life ambition to become a "professional gamer" only because these games are getting so very expensive that i just cant afford as much as i used to
    and also, even if ppl were to try to become one there are so many lil nerdy kids waitingto eat you up in the game world

  5. I didnt know that there was a professional game, I just thought there was like game testers and Video game programers.
    I dont really play video games, but whan I do Im usually playing a amy game with my bro or Buddie Adam, And occasionlly with my girl friends but thats just like old school Nintendo 64. I would think it was a good profeshion depending on how much you make but it's not really a reliable one, Because what happens if you get autheridus or something or your just done. If you dont have a plan or dont make enough to last a lifetime then I dont think it is a god profeshion. But it would be a good job for a lil bit if you save up ur money and make a company or something alike, so when your done with the video games you can have a fall back plain and would have to warry about what would next after the video gaves?

    In 2007 38% of gamers were female versus 62% male. That's inched up to 40% female and 60% male in 2008. Women age 18 or older also represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (33%) than boys age 17 or younger (18%).

    by M.McGreal

  6. 618- Even though Jonathan may be a professional gamer doesn’t mean that everyone should. I personal do not play a lot of video games. I also don’t think that it could be a very good job. But on the other hand in the future they could teach kids differently than they do now. They might not need to hire ant teachers or other workers in the future. But then again we might not have video games in the future. Basically I don’t think that being a professional video game player is a very good job.

  7. Mandy E.-I seldom play video games. If I am, it would most likely be my older brother's Wii. I think that it would be difficult to make a reasonable income as a professional video gamer, especially since this opportunity is open to a much larger spectrum of people so the competition is much higher. It still requires alot of time and energy just as any major sport does. It would be an entertaining job though! I do know that in Europe, video game matches fill stadiums, and U.S. professionals hope that it will one day become a spectator sport to raise their incomes.

  8. I don't play video games that often, but it's not rare or shocking if someone finds me on a game. I play some with my two brothers sometimes, and other games I like to play with my friends. I think it would be an ok profession, just because I'd be staring at a screen all day, and I don't really care for that. I'm happy that the gaming industry doesn't just focus on games for guys. So many people think girls hate video games and it's such a boy thing, but it's not.

  9. Finally, a good blogging topic..! :]. Yes, I play videogames often. If you're good at it, then why not use it for your benefit, and make money off of something that you pwn at?! Sounds like a good idea to me! I would do it, at least (if only I could find something I play well enough).

    PS: Mr. W, I'm disappointed in you. How didn't you know that? ;].

  10. I think that if your someone thats good at video games it could be a profession for you, but if your someone that isent really into that or something then its not something your going to do as a job.

    I am someone that barley ever plays video games, and when i do its just for fun.
    There are so many different types of games and game systems.

  11. Lexey P.-I don't ever play video games. I do not really think that being a professional gamer is a good profession. Alls you would do all day is play games and watch the tv inside somewhere. It might be fun to someone else, but not to me.

  12. 607- I very rarely play video games. I do not think that that is a good profession, because our country does not absolutely need video games especially since we are in a recession. Video games are a want not a need, though they are fun they aren't helping your knowledge, or meeting people. I think getting a job that actually helps other people out is a great job durring this time, and earning real money. Even though Jonathan Wendel earns a lot of money being a gamer, he is not learning anything that is truely important.

  13. Bryan W. - I always knew that there was a profession of gaming, it's just that many people haven't really mentioned it. In case you haven't noticed there aren't any headlines about professional gaming every day. I would have to say that they play it every day, but not all day. They probably play for 2 or 3 hours and then they go work out because it was mentioned in the video that working-out and running is good for you and can help your hand-eye coordination. It would be an awesome profession is you wanted it to be it. I mean that would be my favorite job, playing games has always been fun for me because, I myself am I gamer and I know what its like. Getting paid millions of dollars to play your favorite game is crazy.

  14. 626- I did know that there are professional gamers out there. I enjoy playing video games i think that it is fun, and does get your mind off other things. It would be a good career and it would be very fun. The gaming industry does get criticized a lot because it doesnt benifit anyone but it does. It helps come up with new things that are not out. The crazy ideas that the creaters come up with could be helpful in real life it could help people and even the enviroment

  15. 619- I rarely play video games. I'm not saying I never play them, I just don't sit down after school or on weekends and play them alone. I usually play when I am at my friend's house or they are at mine. My brother plays Wii Guitar Hero all the time, and he is getting very good at it.
    Personally, I do not believe gaming is a very good profession because no one actually benefits from it. Although, Jonathan Wendel has a good point when he said it relaxes you and is a "stress-reliever" for him.

  16. I myself love video games. I play them almost every day. For me, I don't think it would be a very good profession for me, since I get very into my gaming, and often get very frustrated and quit the game. I don’t think I would be able to handle the pressure. I think it would be a great profession…you should have a career you enjoy and do something you are good at. For some people, video games are that talent. When I look at the gaming industry, a lot of times I just think about what my first video game system was, and how much they’ve changed. For example playing against people online, and making a band with your friends…that’s inventive. Overall, video gaming has come a long way and will continue to grow. We may even see some professional video gaming teams on the rise, who knows?

  17. 613- I play video games about once a month. No, I don’t think that profession would suit me, but perhaps someone else. Honestly, I know absolutely nothing about the gaming industry. I don’t even know the difference between X-Box and PS3, if there is one. So, I don’t really think I can provide anything else about the gaming industry.

  18. Travis--I am interested in what you are doing with blogging in your classroom. Have you learned this all on your own or did you have a text or a particular site that you went to.

    Linda James
    NBEA member

  19. His hardware is prety sweet, crazy expensive though.

  20. Chris D
    I do know that there are pro video gamers. I wish to become a pro video gamer. But first i have to get better at video games. I play video games every day right after i finish my home work. It is hard to become a pro gamer but it will take a lot of work doing it and i know that for a fact. People who are pros work their heart out and fingers off to become that way.
